Mixed Bag

I have been neglecting my online life for quite some time now. Just being plain lazy.

I have recently registered on StumbleUpon service and has installed its toolbar and i would admit that my internet experience has really been enriched , stumbling upon some good sites. I would encourage people to try it.

Here is my profile on StumbleUpon: http://iubuntu77.stumbleupon.com/

Will like to share few interesting stuff.

Bruce Lee playing Ping Pong :)

Also I would like to share few good sites I stumbled upon

And at last , a beautiful poem i read recently by Faiz Ahmed फैज़

Thanks to Neha for putting it on her blog from where I read it.

तेरी समुन्दर आँखों मे

ये धूप किनारा शाम ढले
मिलते हैं दोंनो वक्त जहाँ

जो रात न दिन, जो आज न कल
पल भर में अमर, पल भर में धुंआँ

इस धूप किनारे, पल दो पल
होठों की लपक, बाँहों की खनक
ये मेल हमारा झूठ न सच
क्यों रार करें, क्यों दोष धरें
किस कारण झूठी बात करें

जब तेरी समन्दर आँखों में
इस शाम का सूरज डूबेगा
सुख सोयेंगे घर-दर वाले
और राही अपनी राह लेगा।

Posted by :ubuntu at 5:30:00 PM  


Vaibhav Choudhary said... 14/12/08 12:16 PM  

ping pong was quite funny :)

admin said... 16/12/08 5:54 AM  

मजेदार है डियर, शुक्रिया।

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