TinEye.com and other things in my life
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Ever saw a photograph and wondered what is it of? I always wanted something on the internet which would do a reverse look up as compared to Google Images. Give it a photograph and it would tell you in words what is it of.
Finally here is a image search engine like this TinEye.com
This is a beta release and have very small fraction of images indexed so far on the internet.
I tried it with few pics of birds but no result found, i guess it is still gearing up. But nonetheless , this is really a useful search engine.
On other updates, i am experimenting with new browsers on the web.
I am using FF3 as my primary browser for surfing all my https sites. On the other side , i was browsing on Chrome, it is good but I felt tabs are slow in rendering as compared to FF3.
I was also using Digsby as my IM client. It integrates your facebook,twitter and linkedin accounts as well apart from gtalk and yahoo messenger accounts and email accounts.
It is good, but I found it annoying when i need to share files, it does not give me option to transfer files with gtalk users, only with yahoo users :( .
So i installed Pidgin, another lightweight (no frills) IM client. So far i am happy with Pidgin.
Now i wanted something to integrate my social network accounts as well as other n/ws, so i finally installed Flock, given it is based on FF3, i don't mind giving it a try.
I must say, the startup time has improved significantly since last time i used Flock ver1. I am using Flock2.0 beta right now.
And since I don't wanted too many browsers on my m/c , I uninstalled Chrome.
On the other side, i used the new faeture in Blogger to follow my fav blogs, it gave me an option to import the blogs from my Google Reader account, i did that and viola now i have duplicate feeds for each blog I chose to follow in my reader account (wtf).
Anyways , those who have added the following gadget in your blogs would see my pictureless icon on your followers list.
So here i am sitting confused with all this technical stuff.
i am also thinking of changing my theme on my blog, but i am frightened from the consequences of investing a lot of time regaining my customizations and widgets. Can anybody tell me an easier way to change my blog theme without losing my widgets or investing too much time to regain them?
Posted by :ubuntu at 3:03:00 PM
Labels: tineye.com
Thanks for trying out TinEye. It is true the index is still small given that it is a one billion image index only but we are growing it. I like how you called TinEye a reverse image lookup engine. That's pretty neat. Leila
I believe if you switch a blogger built-in template, it automatically keeps your widgets.
You can always (1) create a temp blog, create some widgets, and then try a layout switch. (2) Copy the layout (under Edit HTML) and save it to a file on your disk, or 'download' it using the link that Blogger provides. Then you can revert if you don't like the new template, or it screws up something.
Note that if blogger is going to delete any of your widgets, it will generally warn you about this.