Everybody loves Raymond and so do I

I am loving it man, I never watched it in India, but since here I have no option, so have started watching it and dude its serendipity.

And know what i have connected it to really good Indian comedy series(sadly there are not many) Sarabhai Vs Sarabhai. It has at least the similar character line up.

Marie -- Maya Sarabhai
Robert -- Roches
Raymond -- Sahil
Debra -- Monisha
Frank -- Indu Sarabhai

The main plot is similar, a nagging mother-in-law and happy-go-lucky daughter-in-law. The son/husband is trying to make both sides happy, the very funny father-in-law and brother-in-law.

Reminds me of another hit comedy serial Dekh bhai dekh, i remember how we use to rush to home from school on Tuesdays just to see that serial.

And yet there is yet another one but i forgot the name, it's quite old featuring liliput and ratna pathak and one more girl, and they lived in the same house looking for a employment, can anyone help me with the name ...
and as I finish this post more old memories rush in of Hum Log - first Indian soap, circus, nukkad, fauji ...we use to watch it sometimes on my grandma's old Weston television with a wooden cabinet and it use to take full 5 minutes to warm up the picture tube.
... wow that old days.

its true, good things never last for long ... :-(

and can anyone please tell me why was the deal with Channel 9 and Doordarshan called off?
It went for I guess some three months, and we got to watch some amazing serials on tv. Doordarshan is really not so दूरदर्शी

Posted by :ubuntu at 8:45:00 PM 2 comments  

Want a girlfriend !!

I am looking for a girlfriend based in US, because my phone minutes are being wasted. I want to consume my phone minutes to the fullest. I have unlimited nights and weekends free plan.
Interested girls , please leave a comment.

Btw I wrote this post from my blackberry.

Posted by :ubuntu at 10:17:00 AM 2 comments  


I found this शैर in one of my friend's blog. I thought it's worth spreading it.

ज़रा आवाज़ का लहजा तो बदलो ,
ज़रा मद्धम करो इस आंच को सोना ।
के जल जाते हैं कुंग्रे नर्म रिश्तों के
ज़रा अल्फाज़ के नाखून ताराशो
बहुत चुभते हैं जब नाराज़गी से बात करती हो ।

-गुलज़ार साहब

He goes further to write more , find it here : projectbee

Posted by :ubuntu at 12:23:00 PM 1 comments